Despite they they have been used for millennia by South – American indigenous tribes, DMT and Ayahuaska are today considered NPSs (UNODC, The Challenge of new psychoactive substances – Global SMART Programme, 2013). This is probably due to the fact that the use of this substances is spreading all around the Western world, both in parties and for alternative therapeutic purposes (Ayahuaska is called “the medicine” directly from the South American tribes in which this brew is used).
This newsletter is fully dedicated to DMT and Ayahuasca. Joana Pereira and Francesco Gottardo are describing DMT, its history, its effects and giving harm reduction advices for those who want to try this kind of trip.
Mina Pas is presenting the findings of the research she performed about Ayahuaska use for healing purposes.
Concluding, there are some videos and publications that can be useful to increase the knowledge about DMT and Ayahuaska.
N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (commonly known as DMT) is a psychedelic substance of the tryptamine family – that also includes psilocybin and serotonin. It was first synthesised in 1931 by Richard Manske and it was identified as one of the active components of a snuff used for shamanic practices, prepared with an Amazonian plant (Ott., 1993).
Its popularity has been increasing since the publication of Rick Strassman’s book “DMT – The Spirit Molecule” (2001), which inspired a documentary with the same name.
decades of research have not been able to reveal DMT’s mechanisms of action or its impact in the human body. Several studies focused on the hypothesis that DMT could intensify the symptoms of schizophrenia (Strassman, 2001), while others supported the exact opposite, by suggesting that DMT could supress psychotic outbreaks (Jacob & Presti, 2005). Others believed that the “spirit molecule” was present in the pineal gland and was released at birth, in dreams, at the moment of death or even during near death experiences (Strassman, 2001), but these hypotheses are yet to be proved.
Read the article here
DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine)
DMT is an endogenous psychedelic molecule which has been found in mammals and humans (urine, blood, cerebrospinal fluid). However its physiological purpose remains unknown.
It is part of the tryptamines psychedelic family along with LSD, 4-Aco-DMT and 4-PO-DMT (both pro-drugs of 4-HO-DMT, the psilocin) and it shares with them the agonist effect on the serotoninergic receptor 5-HT2a, which is thought to mediate the most part of the psychedelic effects.
DMT has been consumed for millenia by South America populations for spiritual and healing purposes in the form of ayahuasca.
Changa is a smokable mixture of DMT and plants containing MAOi, but it can also contains plants with different psychoactive compounds, depending on the maker’s receipt. The presence of MAOi strengthen and “leave its particular sign” to the experience.
Read the article here
Evaluation of healing potential of ayahuasca on psychopathology and general well being
Ayahuasca is the name for a brew that has been used for centuries by the indigenous populations of the Amazon
The plants such as ayahuasca were used for centuries among indigenous people of the Amazon, but after the colonisation of the region their use diminished and almost disappeared. Fortunately in some regions the use of ayahuasca continued, enabling the ancient knowledge about healing with the plants to be conserved.
The “official” treatment modalities such as medicine and psychotherapy are not considering ayahuasca to be of healing value, but as of lately there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that ayahuasca may be useful to treat substance use disorders, anxiety and depression, PTSD and other issues (Doinguez-Clave et. al., 2016). As clinical research suggests, ayahuasca promotes the ability of so called de-centering, which means obtaining the state of an observer and not identifying with other states and emotions (Soler et. al, 2016). The ability to promote this loving, emphatic observer is crucial in depression and suicidal tendencies (Bieling et al., 2012, Hargus et al., 2010).
In The Rabbit Hole Institute: Institute for psychotherapy and research of healing potential of altered states of consciousness, we conducted a study, focusing mainly on the influence of ayahuasca use in psychopathology and general well being of the participants. With the study we outlined the similarities between ayahuasca experience and psychotherapeutic process, since both processes share a lot of similarities.
One of the findings of our study show that introspective state induced by ayahuasca promotes reflection on personal issues. The experience usually consists of thoughts, memories, emotions and bodily sensations, which enable the users to relive and integrate this experience on all levels.
Read the article here
DMT: the spirit molecule (2010)
The Spirit Molecule investigates dimethyltryptamine (DMT), an endogenous psychoactive compound, which exists in humans and numerous species of plants and animals. The documentary traces Dr. Rick Strassman’s government-sanctioned, human DMT research and its many trials, tribulations, and inconceivable realizations. A closer examination of DMT’s effects through the lens of two traditionally opposed concepts, science and spirituality.
Italian subtitles:
DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) broken down and explained in under 3 minutes
Dimethyltryptamine, commonly known as DMT, has received a lot of attention in recent decades on its own and as a result of discussions about Ayahuasca, which has become a trendy (albeit illegal) drug. There are some popular myths about DMT that are worth addressing while also highlighting the things that truly make DMT interesting.
A.Shulgin, A.Shulgin “TIHKAL – The Continuation”, Transform Press 1997.
R.Strassman, “DMT . The Spirit Molecule”, Park Street Press, 2001
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