This newsletter is dedicated to the cannabis theme because of the discussions about cannabis regulation that are taking place in Italy and because a wind of change seems to be blowing toward cannabis consumption at international level. In fact UNGASS 2016 established that the countries can decide and legislate on cannabis as they see fit , even if they adopted the UN Conventions of 1961 and 1971.
Different authors from the different countries involved in the BAONPS project present their national situation about cannabis use, regulation and law.
Legal status of Cannabis in Portugal
Andreia Nisa from CHECK!N presents the Portuguese decriminalization model: law 30/2000 decriminalized the use of some psychoactive substances, including cannabis. However, acquisition and possession for personal use may not exceed the amount established by law for average individual consumption for 10 days (25g for marijuana and 5g for hashish).
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In Slovenia, 80 percent of cancer patients use cannabis oil!
Tomaž Koren from presents cannabis use in Slovenia, where 80% of cancer patients use cannabis oil for therapeutic purposes, more than 200,000 people have tried cannabis and the rate of adolescents aged 15–16 who have tried cannabis ranges from 23 to 25 percent. Furthermore Slovenia is regarded as a transit country where cultivation of the plant for personal use is widespread. The data shown suggest the Government should improve cannabis policies and regulate the cannabis market.
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The Regulation of Illicit Drugs in Slovenia
Dr. Jože Hren from the Slovenian Ministry of Health, firstly describes how the trade and production of illicit drugs is treated in the country; secondly, he describes the applicable legislation concerning the cannabis cultivation and presents the efforts that have been taken to regulate the cannabis use for medical purposes. In September 2016, the Medical Chamber of Slovenia submitted to the Ministry of Health a report on its cannabis studies, including a proposal to make marijuana and cannabinoids available for medical use in the country.
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Cannabis Recreational Use: towards legalization?
Lorenzo Camoletto and Elisa Fornero from Neutravel Project present the Italian discussion on cannabis regulation and the bill that is going to be discussed in Parliament, highlighting the fact that many amendments to the bill contain the risk that personal cultivation might not be recognized by law. Cannabis sale will be mainly managed by the State (monopoly) but perhaps people will be allowed to create Cannabis Social Clubs.
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Policy windows and external influences in national drug policies
Franca Beccaria from Eclectica (Institute for training and research, Turin IT) explains the policy window theory in the drug policies and analyses the specific historical context in which Italy is at the moment. The wind of change in international drug policies, especially those related to the cannabis consumption, the Italian Regional bills allowing cannabis medical use and the normalisation of the cannabis recreational use, especially in party settings, can be recognised as the “three streams” needed to have a policy window.
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Medical Cannabis Breakthrough in Germany
Germany is going to become one of the top medical cannabis countries in the world. The federal government approved a draft law in May, which is currently discussed by the parliament. The new ruling regulates cannabis flos (dried marijuana flowers) and extracts like any other prescription drug; every doctor will be qualified to prescribe it for any indication. Patients with a severe illness which will get a reimbursement.
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A survey of more than 216,000 adolescents from all 50 states indicates the number of teens with marijuana-related problems is declining. Similarly, the rates of marijuana use by young people are falling despite the fact more U.S. states are legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana use
When the Mexican Army actually allows journalists to watch its soldiers in action, it’s often to see them burning marijuana crops. Mexican soldiers have been conducting this ritual for decades, and the photos have come to define the country’s war on drugs. But those photos may soon disappear from news pages and be relegated to historical archives. Various Mexican politicians and activists have come out in favor of wider marijuana legalization
Un’interpellanza interpartitica firmata da 34 granconsiglieri intende rilanciare il discorso in Ticino: “La guerra alla droga ha fallito, proteggiamo i consumatori”. Grande rilevanza viene anche data al “drug checking” come prima misura di tutela del consumatore e che consiste in laboratori d’analisi “volanti” installati nel cuore dei luoghi d’incontro e delle feste che servono non solo ad informare i giovani sulla composizione dei prodotti, ma anche per trasmettere un messaggio di prevenzione.
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